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Everybody started somewhere. In the My Journey posts we ask an accomplished athlete / star / thought leader how they got where they are now. We hope their stories will inspire and motivate you.

In this eighteenth My Journey post, we had a chat with Julio Brasileiro who is a dancer. We hope you enjoy Julio's journey.
Tell us a little bit about yourself :)

I started my dance studies at age 7 and gymnastics at 9, through social projects in the city. My mother, former samba-rock, samba dancer and always encouraged me to participate in recreational, sports and competitive events.

I was born in Araraquara, town where I lived all my childhood, I studied, I grew up and graduated in my home town.

I currently live in greater Sao Paulo, the largest capital of Brazil. Where I graduated in Physical Education, dance, and nutrition; in addition to reconcile my career as a dancer / acrobat and tv dancer/model.

How did you get introduced to your dancing?

From the city of Araraquara (São Paulo, Capital) I started my dance studies at the age of 7, through a social project in the city in which selected low-income children were chosen to study dance, theater and music full-time.

My mother Ana Maria Orlando, knew of this through a newspaper and took me to do this test, even without my knowing about it would be lol, I remember that when arriving at the site of test approximately 6 am, had many accompanied children their parents in line, many children wearing ballet tutu lol.

After hours in line, it was my turn, I put a shirt and shorts auditioned in 30minutes, I was in line for hours to get 30 minutes of evaluation measures, flexibility and musicality At the end of the day came result of the list of approved and it was my name among the approved My mother was very happy, I was very happy, my whole family supported me since I was very hyperactive and liked to jump, dance, play. After 1 year in the city, I was part of a one month project in another city where I would stay in a hotel with other kids in my class for dance performances in the city of Votorantim / SP. It was then is my first trip '' alone '' without my parents, only with dance teachers and friends of the dance school; and it was an unforgettable trip, a lot of adventure, I walked the streets alone, I felt an adult, I could eat sweets and sleep late, jump on the beds of the hotel, the first time I slept in a Hotel ... Since then I knew I I wanted to be an artist and have life sleeping in hotels.

At 8 years of age met through television to artistic gymnastics and it was love at first sight, I wanted to do everything Daiane dos Santos did. I asked my mother to take me to train gymnastics because my neighbor also did gymnastics and I wanted to learn as well. My mother took me to another lol. test and there I started my regular training 2 times a week under the coordination of Henrique Sanioto and Juliana Desidério.. On test day, there were 15 boys and were 2 vacancies for team elite that would represent the city in national and international festivals competitions in Lausanne in Switzerland, I and my friend were selected, there was then that my life changed.

When did dancing get “serious” ?

When I was a child the level of training was more fun, by the way, I reconciled gymnastics with dance in different schools and everything was perfect, was left enough time for me to play with my friends in the street, schoolwork, sleep on the weekend.

But when I was called for my first competition as a gymnast, my main technical Matheus Theodoro, I had to dedicate myself more time for training, and came the pain, exhaustion, I got tired at home just wanted to rest, and the dance became as a second because option was not being easy to reconcile school, dance and gymnastics training. My coach asked me to go to training from Monday to Saturday, it was then that I had to make choices Being an athlete or being Dancer. Being an athlete it's not easy, it is very rewarding, but the life of an athlete must be 100% dedicated to the sport, dedication and discipline.

Biggest challenges :

I had so many adventures, so many merits, rewarding moments, among them had a very sad epsódio in my athletic career, In 2008 my mother had health problems, was suspected of cancer in the breast, my world collapsed, I had to help him devote my time to accompany her to treatment, no money, no health plan, we were just me and her. In same year, lived in and was preparing for the most important tournament of the year in 2008, and the next day after our rank, my technical Matheus Theodoro had to move urgently to another city, and we leave, let your team that has always been dedicated and that both taught us.

We were a united team, we trained together, studied together, we were good friends all of us and my coach with the financial crisis, my coach can not stay and had to return to his city. The men's team was falling apart, and the whole team was getting smaller due to lack of motivation, the gym was my only motivation.

How do you handle pressure ?

Every high performance sport requires a lot of pressure about it was always very quiet. Never faced my training and goals for qualifications as a pressure, I prefer to say they were challenges. CHALLENGES WITH MYSELF! I do not run under pressure.

Can you share your thoughts on self consciousness ?

I was always too distracted, liked to make fun, play with outrnas competitions I was always the most nervous and anxious, I always hindered me because I was so blown away and it somehow interfered whole team too.

Something that helped me a lot to me concentrate is listening to music before going to competition arena, like music gospel, calm, instrumental before you get in the arena and he arrived in the arena I already forgot how important it was to compete but fun, make my elements safely and focus on the difficulties faced to get the due level and use in my favor, I thought it was a show !! lol rs.

What was your most embarrassing moment (in regards to your dancing of course ;)

the most embarrassing moment ... think hard this question, among many decisiveis moments that already had rs, one of the most decisiveis was not having competed in 2011 due to injuries in the ankle. My recovery was too late, and not stand in the same year made the casting for the musical The Lion King as an acrobat, in the same epoch I won scholarship in one of the most important schools of dance in Brazil, and had to think very before deciding to change my city to live dance

Your training routine

Currently I live my artistic career as a photographic model, working in television broadcast as the stunt and dance teacher, dancer and athlete is hard, but agent fight every day to fit the schedule all events, work and personal commitments and .. council at the same time with my university studies, I'm graduating in degree in physical education.

Your flexibility routine

I believe in the possibility of acquiring stretch and improve flexibility. I was always very long, but the classic ballet helped me a lot ... like making lesson calmly, breathing too, using alternative accessories, elastic to stretch a large range of plie, grand plie ...

What keep you motivated


like the movies: Peaceful Warrior
radical turn ''stick it''

What are your future plans/goals/dreams?

I graduated from university / living abroad / cirque du soleil.

Your tips

My close friend of advice is do not give up what you have to dream. Our dreams move us, our past made who we are today, we can only invest in this to enjoy in the future.

DREAM, LOVE, IF HAVE FUN ABOVE ALL! Be happy, always think about your personal and professional satisfaction. Never let anyone tell you it's too late to be a gymnast, a dancer, or any career you want to follow .. for who determines your life are we! have faith and insist.

Anything else?
  1. - Always remember your family, your home
  2. - Live according to what moves you, what makes you happy
  3. - Never sell for a little .. not fool yourself, opportunities always come, they can be tempting, may seem UNICA lifetime opportunity, but no! at every stage of our lives haveram opportunities. Make the maximum all of them, but with conscience, no despair, no hurry ... Do not take life so seriously, AS IT MAY REPENT AFTER. Always be in equilibrium with its interior, do not be selfish, ganansioso, do not let yourself have the right materials or money. MONEY NO PURCHASE THAT MAKE YOUR HAPPINESS THAT LOVES.


Anything you’d like to promote?

Instagram : @oficialcesarbr
Facebook : Julio Brasileiro
Snapchat : @oficialcesarbr


I started my dance studies at age 7 and gymnastics .

Julio Brasileiro

Instagram: @oficialcesarbr

Artistic gymnastics, dance, personal trainer for high-performance athletes and dancers

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